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GazSurf launched adsorption dehydration of balance gas at the Yaya Oil Refinery

Engineering company “GazSurf” has completed commissioning of the installation for adsorption drying of the balance gas of the stabilization column as part of the complex for processing straight-run gasoline fractions UK-1 of the Yaya Oil Refinery (YanNPZ).

Commissioning of the unit is the next stage in the construction of the second stage of the YANPZ.

The complex for the processing of straight-run gasoline UK-1 includes a gasoline hydrotreating unit, a gasoline separation unit, light gasoline isomerization and reforming unit with continuous catalyst regeneration.

The launch of UK-1 will allow the company to launch the production of class 5 motor gasoline.

The Yaya Fuel Refinery was put into operation in 2013. The volume of oil refining is 3,300 thousand tons per year with 8,760 hours of operation. The plant is located in the Yaya district of the Kemerovo region in close proximity to the main oil pipeline and the Trans-Siberian Railway.

Производительность блока адсобрционной осушки балансового газа колонны стабилизации Б-30001 - до 3000 нм3/час.
Производительность блока адсобрционной осушки балансового газа колонны стабилизации Б-30001 - до 3000 нм3/час.
08 апреля 2020

Methanol regeneration unit in modular design for "YATEC"


Cryostar S.A.S. cryogenic pump repair work

Lipetsk region

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Leningrad oblast

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