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Cooling units

Propane chillers


Propane refrigeration unit of NG is for coincident providing the required parameters of the dew point for water and hydrocarbons by condensation of the aqueous and hydrocarbon fractions (HC) at low temperatures (up to minus 300C). The source of the cold is an external propane refrigeration cycle.

The primary advantages of these units is low pressure loss of feed flow (flow restriction of natural gas is no needed) and the ability to extract the production fraction of C3 +.

For the prevention of hydrating is using injection of protective agent:  ethylene glycol (for temperatures not lower than minus 350C) and methanol (for temperatures up to minus 600С).



  • Continuous process, based on water and hydrocarbons condensation at present of hydrate development inhibitors.
  • Absence of cyclical changes
  • Shell-and-tube exchanger gas-gas with low temperature drop
  • Motor service factor of refrigerant compressor 110%
  • Automatic system of pressure maintenance in receiver during operation in cold climate
  • Electrical heating of inhibitor collector at three-phase separator


  • Cold separator with efficient coalescent nozzles and significant amount of present time
  • Gas-propane heat exchanger (chiller) with immersed tube bundle


  • The economizer of the refrigeration cycle (standard for systems above 150 kW and an evaporation temperature below minus 100 ° C)
  • Input separator
  • Gas-liquid heat exchanger (allows to reduce the power consumption of the compressor)
Pic. 2 Propane chiller DWG
Pic. 2 Propane chiller DWG
Pic. 1 Propane chiller 3-D model
Pic. 1 Propane chiller 3-D model

Associated petroleum gas processing plant "Kenlyk"


Cameron compressor technical supervision

Rostov oblast

"Nefteyuganskpromservice" liquid nitrogen and oxygen air separation unit


"Keymir" gaslift compressor station startup and commissioning
